- 12/09/14 Fault in our stars,
- 12/09/14 Petition for Obama
- 12/09/14 Top 100 Youtube Channels
- 15/09/14 YouTube stars and Facebook,
- 15/09/14 Game:Destiny- huge profit,
- 15/09/14 iPhone 6 release
- 22/09/14 Sexism at freshers week,
- 22/09/14 website: Alibaba worth more than Google?
- 26/09/14 Twitter targets film advertising,
- 26/09/14 Problems with iPhone 6
- 06/10/14 Sky ‘saddened’ over death of alleged McCann troll
- 08/10/14 UK viewers ‘spend five hours a week viewing TV, clips and films online’
- 08/10/14 BBC iPlayer catch-up window extended to 30 days
- 08/10/14 Last.fm made loss of £2.1m last year
- 10/10/14 Cassetteboy parodies
- 13/10/14 Can Twitter make money out of breaking news or is it a PR platform?
- 23/10/14 Twitter changes: 20 hits and misses from the social network's history
- 23/10/14 Is UKIP winning on Facebook and Twitter?
- 23/10/14 Facebook pays no UK corporation tax for a second year
- 23/10/14 Media jobs website Gorkana sold to Cision in £200m deal
- 7/11/14 John Lewis christmas advert
- 7/11/14 get over newspapers dying out
- 17/11/14Cost of pay for TV channels
- 17/11/14Facebook introducing 'Facebook for Work'
- 23/11/14 Social media to get a job
- 23/11/14 Print in decline
- 04/12/14 Twitter unveils new system for reporting abuse
- 04/12/14 Google and Facebook dominate digital market
- 04/12/14 Tesco joins retail stampede -social media
- 04/12/14 Cancer research trends
- 05/12/14 More than half of ads are digital
- 05/12/14 Twitters reaction to politics
- 18/12/14 Reading print bids a farewell to print
- 18/12/14 220 Journalists jailed
- 03/01/15 Who’s taking control this year? Google, BBC, Facebook, or even North Korea?
- 03/01/15 From YouTube to Facebook – will video be the one to watch in 2015?
- 03/01/15 The virtues of Vice: how punk magazine was transformed into media giant
- 03/01/15 Arrested over twitter threats
- 12/01/15 Developers made $10bn from iOS apps in 2014
- 16/01/15 Mark Zuckerburg defends Facebook
- 16/01/15 social media doesnt cause stress
- 16/01/15 BBC news online to overhaul website and app
- 18/01/15 BuzzFeed launches its own 'public chat' channel in messaging app Viber
- 18/01/15 Using Facebook at work
- 24/01/15 Social engagement now more important than TV ratings, says Fremantle boss
- 24/01/15 Twitter encourages 'verified' users to stop posting photos from Instagram
- 29/01/15 Seven things we learned from Facebook's latest financial results
- 29/01/15 Bloomberg switches off comments in website redesign
- 08/02/15 Twitters latest financial results
- 08/02/15 Snapchat helps Daily Mail and Vice Media get on message with youngsters
- 20/02/15 Mail online increased browsers online
- 21/02/15 Embrace social media stars, they can work wonders for your brand
- 21/02/15 Spanish politicians try to woo voters over WhatsApp
- 21/02/15 Google to launch YouTube subscription service without ads
- 05/03/15 vice apprenticeship
- 05/03/15 Twitter tries to end online abusers
- 13/03/15 BBC teams up with Google to launch digital revolution for young people
- 13/03/15 Buzzfeed live streams interview with David Cameron
- 22/03/15 Twitter- Jeremy Clarkson petition
- 22/03/15 Mail online and Guardian only UK titles to increase audience
- 23/03/15 Women killed herself after being doorstepped for trolling
- 10/04/15 Google interested in buying Twitter
- 10/04/15 Democracy will die due to dying journalism
- 10/04/15 Buzzfeed denies deleting articles to appease editors.
- 10/04/15 Vlogs are an insight to peoples lives
- 10/04/15 Fortune magazine takes on six former GigaOm journalists
- 18/04/15 social media elections
- 18/04/15 Is online video the saviour of fragmented digital marketing?
- 23/04/15 Instagram for businesses
- 26/04/15 Why Europe needs a digital regulator
Monday, 27 April 2015
NDM Summary
Why Europe needs a digital regulator
This article is about how the European Commissioner of Digital Science and Society, called for ‘a central EU-wide body with the power to monitor platforms’ use of data’.
- Shouldn’t we have some recourse if Facebook decides to manipulate an election, or Google disappears a favourite firm from its all-important rankings?
- In the United States, competition regulators have largely shrugged. They claim to be monitoring big firms’ behaviour, but they lack the technical expertise to do so.
- journalist Peter Maass noted, “The agency can take companies to court, but its overworked lawyers don’t really have the time to go the distance against the bottomless legal staff in Silicon Valley.”
- The new economy demands a new regulatory body, with the ability to continually monitor the law-like power now assumed by major digital platforms to themselves.
- Presently, the focus is on how a behemoth like Google might manipulate search results to strangle would-be competitors before they can reach critical mass.
- Europe can’t expect its digital talent to take on the Googles, Facebooks, Amazons and Apples without some assurance that law will prevent the behemoths from handing them an offer they can’t refuse: be acquired, pay hefty fees for ads or placement, or risk total obscurity.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Snap happy: how to use Instagram

This article is about how small businesses can use the social media site Instagram to promote themselves.
Snap happy: how to use Instagram
This article is about how small businesses can use the social media site Instagram to promote themselves.
- Instagram is the social media tool of choice – and it’s easy to see why. The app has built up such a strong following it’s now more popular than Twitter, with monthly users topping 300 million.
- SMEs have quickly succumbed to Instagram’s charms, posting creative daily shots of their own brand and garnering thousands of fans while doing so. Premium womenswear boutique Black White Denim joined Instagram six months ago and has quickly usurped other social networks to become owner Jo Davies’ favourite platform.
- For many businesses owners, Instagram has not only catapulted brand awareness but also acted as a powerful sales driver. “Instagram makes a big difference to our business,” says Alienor Falconer, director of The Bright Company, a sleepwear and bedding brand for babies and young children.
Monday, 20 April 2015

Is online video the saviour of fragmented digital marketing?
- Fragmentation and complexity has, in my opinion, always been the single biggest barrier to digital marketing’s advancement. Brand managers for whom communications is often just a small slice of their daily workload are understandably put off when a digital expert rolls up explaining the latest complexities and technical capabilities.
- Video promises to be the great unifier – a simple, well understood format that can spread itself across most major digital media channels, delivering believable return on investments in the process.
- One thing that is clear is that online video has matured hugely over the past 18 months and along with it marketers’ attitudes.
- Unfortunately the waters of online video aren’t quite as transparent as one might hope. The content might potentially be the same but there’s a world of forced pre-rolls, skippable true views, in-banner video and auto-play (or even auto-preview) posts to discover.
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Who is winning the election battle on social media?
This article is about consumers taking part with the election through social media.
- Though successive elections since the mid noughties have been described as the first to be contested on social media, the coming poll on 7 May has seen the political parties and hopeful candidates engage with Facebook, Twitter,Instagram and other platforms like never before.
- The party’s official Twitter account @uklabour is also way ahead in terms of Twitter mentions (with 388,109 tweets and retweets), again with @ukip second (212,418) and @conservatives third (158,158). Notably, the three politicians whose individual Twitter accounts make the top 10 mentions list are @nigel_farage, @ed_miliband and the Plaid Cymru leader @leannewood.
- Precise details of each party’s organised campaign - and the amount they are spending on them - are difficult to come by, but in a measure of the importance of social media to the campaigns, it was reported earlier this year that the Conservatives have dipped into their considerable election war chest to spend more than £100,000 a month on Facebook for advertising and to secure paid-for “likes”. The BBC suggested Labour was directing its resources elsewhere, with an estimated spend of less than £10,000 a month on its own Facebook presence.
This is good for engaging people with politics, especially the younger generation as they are the main consumers of social media.
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Fortune magazine takes on six former GigaOm journalists
This article is about Fortune hiring six journalists from a tech site which recently closed down.
- “Fortune has always covered how technology is changing the workplace – 85 years of publishing prove it – but things are changing faster and more dramatically than ever before.
- Time CEO Joe Ripp had reportedly been in negotiations to buy GigaOm before deciding to hire the journalists, many of whom were senior writers for the site.
- The writers joining Fortune will focus on the magazine’s digital platforms but will also contribute to the print magazine and appear at Fortune events.
- Fortune has been seeking to increase the amount of content it produces to attract more visitors since it lost referrals from CNN when Time Warner split its broadcast and publishing divisions into separate companies.
Tanya Burr: ‘Vlogs are like being inside someone’s house. It’s an insight into people’s lives’
This article tells us about how Vlogs introduce the audience inside the lives of vloggers.
- what first gave you the idea to start vlogging?Well, back in 2009, I loved the idea of being a makeup artist, so went to college in my home town, Norwich, to learn. They’d just started uploading tutorials on to the internet, mainly to help students – how to do a smoky eye, stuff like that. They told me I should start a YouTube channel as a creative outlet, to practise makeup looks and get people’s opinions. That’s how it all started.
- You have 2.9 million YouTube subscribers, 1.6 million followers on Instagram and 1.3 million on Twitter. What’s the secret?I really don’t know. In the comments, people say I make them feel good, I’m relaxing to watch and they like my positivity and outlook on life
Vlogs are a way to make people relate to them which is good for social media as this is how you gain attention.
BuzzFeed denies deleting critical articles to appease advertisers
This article is about Buzzfeed lying about deleting articles to please advertisers.
- The articles were removed because of editorial concerns, the site’s editor-in-chief Ben Smith told staff in an email on Friday. He said both had since been reinstated because their deletion had been against BuzzFeed’s policy.
- Both of the deletions, Smith wrote, “involved the same thing: my overreaction to questions we’ve been wrestling with about the place of personal opinion pieces on our site”.
- An update to that article included a denial from BuzzFeed that advertising concerns had anything to do with the decision to delete.
Even though Buzzfeed face criticism for their actions they are allowed to delete or post as they please.
Democracy will die if professional journalists go to the wall
This article is about how journalism is dying as there is no need for it anymore due to technology.
- “The job of the professional journalist is as dead as the elevator operator”. That’s the view of Michael Rosenblum, speaking a week or so ago at a conference on mobile journalism.
- there are 3bn people around the world with smart phones that are “remarkably powerful platforms for journalism”. People can write on them, snap pictures, shoot video and then upload it to the internet for free.
- If the job of the professional journalist really is dead, then so are we all because it means that democracy itself is under threat of extinction.
I agree that journalism is dying as people now create news stories via citizen journalism due to the movement of technology at this time.
Why would Google be interested in buying Twitter?
This article is about Google's rivalry with Twitter based on the usage by consumers.
- Twitter is valued at about $33bn. Google has around $60bn in the bank, though a lot of that is stashed overseas to avoid taxes on repatriation; a share- or debt-funded acquisition might be simpler.
- Twitter, whose users send out 140-character “tweets” visible to anyone who follows them, has something the search and data specialist does not: a thriving, engaged social network.
- Some think Google’s problem with “social” is that its data-driven culture tends to be blind to the tweaks that make people love social networks. But as mobile use becomes dominant, social networks offer the most valuable advertising space. In the fourth quarter of 2014, 69% of Facebook’s advertising revenue came from mobile ads, up from 53% a year before; and revenues were up 49%.
If Google bought Twitter this could possible make them the biggest media giant.
Monday, 23 March 2015
Woman killed herself after being doorstepped over McCann trolling
This article is about a women who was found dead in a hotel room due to sour tweets she received.
- On 30 September she was approached by Brunt and a cameraman outside her village home in Burton Overy, Leicestershire, after the journalist was given a dossier containing details of people allegedly posting abusive tweets about Kate and Gerry McCann, whose daughter Madeleine disappeared in Portugal in 2007. Leyland had posted or reposted more than 400 tweets about the McCanns, the inquest heard.
- Sky broadcast footage of Leyland, but did not name her or give details of where she lived, the inquest heard.
- A Sky News spokesman said: “Brenda Leyland’s tragic death highlights the unforeseeable human impact that the stories we pursue can have, and Sky News would like to extend its sincere condolences to her family.”
This shows the power of social media, this women was attacked verbally for expressing her opinions on the McCann family.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Mail Online and Guardian only UK titles to increase daily audience in February

This article is about The Mail Online and The Guardian having increased their online views whilst other news sites such as Trinity Mirror have seen a decline by a large amount.
Mail Online and Guardian only UK titles to increase daily audience in February
This article is about The Mail Online and The Guardian having increased their online views whilst other news sites such as Trinity Mirror have seen a decline by a large amount.
- The average number of unique browsers visiting Mail Online each day increased by more than 5% to 14.7m while the Guardian saw an increase of nearly 5% to 7.35m, according to Audit Bureau of Circulations for February.
- Month-on-month, the biggest losers were Trinity Mirror, whose daily browsers fell at its national titles by 16.6% to just under 4m, and Metro, whose average daily browsers decreased by more than 10% to 1.1m.
- The long-term picture, however, tells a different story. Both titles have almost doubled their average daily audience compared with the same period 12 months ago.
Jeremy Clarkson petition: is Guido Fawkes making tracks for the BBC?

This article is about a website called Guido Fawkes which reached out on Twitter on how to get a tank to get one million signatures for Jeremy Clarkson to come back to Top Gear.
Jeremy Clarkson petition: is Guido Fawkes making tracks for the BBC?
This article is about a website called Guido Fawkes which reached out on Twitter on how to get a tank to get one million signatures for Jeremy Clarkson to come back to Top Gear.
- the site promised a “big surprise” if the petition, then at more than 960,000, passed the landmark figure. It continued to push the petition on Friday, obviously keen to get to 1m by lunchtime.
- The publicity around Clarkson’s foul-mouthed tirade against BBC bosses at a charity event on on Thursday night could help Guido’s petition top over 1m – although growth in the number of signatures has slowed in recent days.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Independent case study- new and digital media
Chosen industry: Film
- New and digital media has changed the audience experience in film as social media is used to promote films and gives an opportunity for individuals to give their opinions through social sites such as Twitter.
- New and digital media has changed the way the audience consume films as there are many movie streaming websites available which are free to use, this can have an impact on the amount the movie has grossed.
- The size of the audience may have changed as it could increase by how popular the film is on social media. An example would be the way 'The fault in our stars' was promoted on Twitter and '50 shades of grey'. These were spoken about so much at the time of release that they trended and made high amounts of profit.
- Positive changes: The audience is able to give their opinions on new films that are released through new and digital media such as social networking sites like Twitter. It can also make films popular if they get trending. There are movie sites and fan pages to follow, so the consumers can also be the critics of films.
- Negatives: Through new and digital media the audience is able to stream movies online through illegal piracy, this can make the impact of the films release decrease and also lower the profits for it.
- Audience pleasures have not necessarily changed unless stories to films that are newly released are given away through social media.
- The target audience for my case study is literally anybody and everybody of all ages and class. Films appeal to everyone as it depends on what film it is.
- Ownership and control in film can be negative as people can view or release pirate copies of movies.
- New and digital media has had an impact on ownership for the same reason to do with piracy.
- New and digital media has changed the way institutions produce texts by taking into account the consumers needs and wants.
- It has changed the way institutions distribute their products as there is more of a hype when films are released through new and digital media.
- New and digital media may threaten the film industry as sites like Netflix are taking over with their popular shows.
- Regulation has become more strict.
- Fans make their own websites to do with movies they may be fans of, such as the Harry Potter fan site where exclusives are revealed.
- UGC has changed the way films are spoken about and how data is collected of how popular or unpopular a movie is. This is due to social media such as Twitter and Facebook.
Friday, 13 March 2015
Learner response
Q1) How are media language techniques used to make the two media products appear
believable and authoritative?
The use of camera angles used in media product one portray the realism of the context of the video. Tracking shots are used in the protest following the angered women, this gives the audience a feel of how it would be like to be in that situation. There are also close ups and handheld shots which give a sense of raw footage when its handheld making it seem more believable and authoritative.
There are also interviews with protesters as they are protesting showing these people in the heat of the moment which looks believable and is more engaging on a news channel. There is also a voiceover in media product one which is a narration of what is going on in the video as a way of informing the audience if they do not understand. Diegetic sound is used so consumers can hear the protesters as this makes it more real and believable.
Media product 2 portrayed branding for the website which included of a logo, slogan and mission statement. These are of much importance to an authoritative site and brand therefore due to this it all seems believable.
There are also interviews with protesters as they are protesting showing these people in the heat of the moment which looks believable and is more engaging on a news channel. There is also a voiceover in media product one which is a narration of what is going on in the video as a way of informing the audience if they do not understand. Diegetic sound is used so consumers can hear the protesters as this makes it more real and believable.
Media product 2 portrayed branding for the website which included of a logo, slogan and mission statement. These are of much importance to an authoritative site and brand therefore due to this it all seems believable.
BuzzFeed to stream live David Cameron interview
This article is about Buzzfeed streaming a live interview of David Cameron on their Facebook page.
- It will be the first international edition of the digital media outlet’s “BuzzFeed Brews” series, designed to offer a “casual setting rather than in a traditional interview format”.
- It will be the first international edition of the digital media outlet’s “BuzzFeed Brews” series, designed to offer a “casual setting rather than in a traditional interview format”.
- Cameron’s participation follows BuzzFeed’s interview with President Barack Obama last month, which was one of a number of interviews Obama did with new media outlets, including Vox at the start of last year.
In my opinion this helps consumers become more involved with politics as the social site Facebook is popular with the younger generation as well as the older, so a website like Buzzfeed is likely to be a favourite on many profiles therefore this is a clever way to make people view this.
BBC teams up with Google to launch digital revolution for young people
This article is about the BBC joining Google with an initiative to inspire the younger generation. The aim is to educate children as young as 11 years old about coding, one million children will be given a 'micro bit' which is a coding device.
- Hall compared the initiative to the BBC Micro, built by Acorn Computers, which was many children’s first experience of computing 30 years ago.
- “This is exactly what the BBC is all about – bringing the industry together on an unprecedented scale and making a difference to millions.
- The ‘micro bit’ is a small programmable hardware device which will help children learn basic coding and programming. It is still in development and will become available this autumn.
- Hall said he hoped the initiative would help solve the UK’s technology skills shortage, with predictions that the country would require 1.4 million “digital professionals” over the next five years.
Monday, 9 March 2015
collective identity
1) Sections- who are you?
This is about creating an identity for yourself and how our ideas on self image are. There is a certain way we are and a difference of how we want to be seen. The way the media informs us about fashion etc. has an influence on how we use it.
I think therefore I am- This is about how identities were set to an individual according to their class, race, religion..
From citizen to consumer- About the need of having our desires met, advertising has helped people realise what they want.
Rise of the individual- Individualism began which made people want to be unique.
Branding and lifestyle- Branding was a way for people to buy products to match their personalities.
Who will we be?- We as individuals are in control of our public image when it comes to the internet and such.
2) 5 brands associated with me- Apple, Rimmel, Maybelline, River Island and Accessorize. These reflect me as I use something to do with these brands everyday.
3) I do agree to some extent that the media is style over substance as the most popular things in media are to do with style, fashion and fame.
4) Media saturation is constant media surrounding everybody, whether it be TV or online. I agree we do live in a media saturated world but this may not be a bad thing as media is needed in the world as a way of communication and innovation of technology and future developments.
5) My presence on social media is not a true reflection of who I am as I do not use social media often.
6) Data mining is a good idea as it provides consumers with the benefit of being introduced to products they may be interested in. This is not really an invasion of privacy as it is helping the consumer.
From citizen to consumer- About the need of having our desires met, advertising has helped people realise what they want.
Rise of the individual- Individualism began which made people want to be unique.
Branding and lifestyle- Branding was a way for people to buy products to match their personalities.
Who will we be?- We as individuals are in control of our public image when it comes to the internet and such.
2) 5 brands associated with me- Apple, Rimmel, Maybelline, River Island and Accessorize. These reflect me as I use something to do with these brands everyday.
3) I do agree to some extent that the media is style over substance as the most popular things in media are to do with style, fashion and fame.
4) Media saturation is constant media surrounding everybody, whether it be TV or online. I agree we do live in a media saturated world but this may not be a bad thing as media is needed in the world as a way of communication and innovation of technology and future developments.
5) My presence on social media is not a true reflection of who I am as I do not use social media often.
6) Data mining is a good idea as it provides consumers with the benefit of being introduced to products they may be interested in. This is not really an invasion of privacy as it is helping the consumer.
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Twitter's new bid to end online abuse could endanger dissidents

Twitter is making people register their numbers on twitter through their phones so they can keep track of the abusers but this may be a bad idea.
Twitter's new bid to end online abuse could endanger dissidents
Twitter is making people register their numbers on twitter through their phones so they can keep track of the abusers but this may be a bad idea.
- started forcing users of the Tor anonymity network – along with serial trolls – to register their phone numbers, in order to stop abuse.
- Users given short-term suspensions for abuse will be required to register their phone number with Twitter, a step that is currently optional, so the company can track trolls and block them from creating multiple accounts.
- The clampdown may stop causal abusers, but those that have gone to the trouble of using Tor to set up accounts and protect their identity to troll and abuse users are unlikely to be deterred by a phone number requirement.
- But in other countries, such workarounds may be less available. In Turkey, all mobile phones have to be registered, including those bought outside of the country. A passport is required to obtain a sim card and phone number, which makes any phone number that could be subpoenaed from Twitter by the government a risk of exposing identity
Vice apprenticeships: traffic highs, pay lows?
1 1
This article is about how the Vice website posted up a posting of how much you could get paid a week for an apprenticeship which was by mistake and caused annoyance.
- offering two apprenticeships at Vice for the miserly salary of £109.20 ($167.27) a week, or £2.73 an hour
- according to Vice and DV8 Apprenticeships, the company which operates the schemes, the bare minimum salary was posted by mistake, and the actual figure on offer is £11,400 per annum or about £219 a week.
- Though, given Vice UK’s Twitter profile simply says “we suck less than most other companies”, whacking on an extra £20 to that weekly pay packet might be a good idea.
This shows how quickly news spreads to people on social media.
Monday, 2 March 2015
Feminism online
Caitlin Moran: Twitter Silence
Twitter Silence was a protest made up on Twitter where women have to stay silent on Twitter for a day to show their inability to speak up on Twitter without obtaining any sort of abuse. There were mixed opinions about this method of protest as many women said it was not effective and women should be louder on Twitter rather than silent to overcome misogyny.- This idea came about from a quote in Jane Austen's book; Northanger Abbey. Due to the abuse on Twitter aimed at the campaign set up by Caroline Criado Perez which was to put up Jane's picture on a banknote. Her fellow feminists 'rallied up' and Caitlin Moran came up with the idea of 'shutting up' on Twitter.
- In my opinion this is a valid campaign as feminists just want to protest against the people who give them abuse. They are not targeting an individual in particular so there is no witch-hunt.
Caroline Criado Perez: female presence on banknotes
- She protested against the Bank of England for replacing Elizabeth Fry on the five pound note to Winston Churchill as otherwise every bank note would have a male on it. Apart from the Queen who is not on the note by choice. She won the protest and was told Jane Austen would then be on the ten pound note. Caroline got many threats on Twitter.
- The thing that sparked her protest was because they were going to change the female on the fiver to a male, leaving no other females by choice on the banknotes.
- In my opinion people sent out death threats just because they wanted to get involved, this was a wich-hunt against her. However the campaign itself was valid.
Emma Watson- HeForShe gender equality campaign
- Emma Watson wants to raise awareness of gender equality as she has seen many things in her life which make her question why men can't be treated the same as women, economically, politically and socially.
- Her own beliefs sparked her to get involved with this campaign.
- In my opinion her campaign is valid as she just wants people to be aware of what consequences gender inequality can have.
Ched Evans- convicted rapist
- Ched Evans who was a footballer was convicted of rape and there is a campaign stating he shouldn't be allowed to play football again run by Jean Hatchett.
- This was sparked when Ched Evans was going to be signed back into football.
- The campaign is valid because people should be aware that crimes such as rape do not get forgotten so easily and should definitely be punished for it.
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Google to launch YouTube subscription service without ads

This article is about Google getting rid of advertisements on YouTube videos as a way of fine tuning it to consumer satisfaction, this is because they are rival to other sites such as Netflix.
Google to launch YouTube subscription service without ads
This article is about Google getting rid of advertisements on YouTube videos as a way of fine tuning it to consumer satisfaction, this is because they are rival to other sites such as Netflix.
- subscription offering was important to YouTube because some viewers did not wish to sit through advertisements.
- The move would allow YouTube to compete with companies such as Netflix and represent a significant change for the site, whose free ad-supported videos attract more than one billion users a month.
- YouTube has been exploring a paid, advert-free version of its service for some time, launching a pilot program in 2013 that allowed individual content providers to charge consumers a subscription fee to access a particular video channel.
- Launched last year, Google Preferred packages together the most popular YouTube channels and sells ads across them up front, in the same way that traditional TV ads are sold.
Spanish politicians try to woo voters over WhatsApp
This article is about how the Spanish politicians tried to gain votes using the social smartphone app 'Whatsapp' as many people use this it is a good way to get their attention.
- “It’s been about a month since we went around giving every resident my phone number,” said Gutiérrez Iglesias, who has headed the small town of about 10,000 people since 2011. After taking to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, WhatsApp – a smartphone application that allows users to send and receive free texts to anyone in their contact list – felt like the final frontier, he said.
- Since launching the campaign “Call me or write [to] me on my phone!”, he checks the app on his phone at all hours, responding to most messages within minutes. Messages stream in all day; from as early as 6am and sometimes until 1am.
- Initially Gutiérrez Iglesias was a little nervous about the idea: “I was sure I would get a lot of prank calls.” While he has yet to receive one, “I’m sure that I’ll receive some at some point,” he said.
- Spanish politicians’ embrace of WhatsApp has been driven by necessity, said Antoni Gutiérrez-RubÃ, a communication consultant, as WhatsApp has made it’s way on to 99% of the phones in Spain the past four years. “There’s nothing else like it. It has colonised messaging,”
This is an interesting yet odd idea to gain supporters, however it has seemed to work, and I believe the use of technology is soaring nowadays as its used for everything.
Embrace social media stars, they can work wonders for your brand

This article is about how celebrities or the most popular people on social media sites can help attract more consumers and could be the new faces of their brands.
Embrace social media stars, they can work wonders for your brand
This article is about how celebrities or the most popular people on social media sites can help attract more consumers and could be the new faces of their brands.
- Brands have been cottoning on to the power of branded content for some time now. But newer on the scene is content that is co-created by brands and influencers.
- The best way for brands to get involved with an influencer is when they are co-creating content. Influencers help a brand relate to their audience’s interests on a more personable level.
- But while many brands think that the only way to get into content is through funny videos, this isn’t the only way to connect to an audience. For example EE partnered with YouTubers Dan and Phil to create a bespoke Sim-only package for new customers.
Mail Online soars past 200m monthly browsers as newspaper sites bounce back

This article is about the rise in website views compared to December 2014.
Mail Online soars past 200m monthly browsers as newspaper sites bounce back
This article is about the rise in website views compared to December 2014.
- Mail Online powered past 200 million monthly unique browsers for the first time in January.
- It remained comfortably the most popular UK newspaper website, with its daily traffic rising by 13.9% month on month to 13,949,793 daily unique browsers.
- The Guardian News & Media site’s daily traffic increased by 1.1 million, or 18.6%, to 6,996,926 unique browsers, keeping its place as the second most-read UK newspaper site.
- theguardian.com also reported record monthly traffic, passing 120 million monthly unique browsers in January, the month it completed the switch to its redesigned website. It attracted 121,733,045 monthly uniques, a rise of 14% on the previous month.
- The Guardian News & Media site’s daily traffic increased by 1.1 million, or 18.6%, to 6,996,926 unique browsers, keeping its place as the second most-read UK newspaper site.
Monday, 9 February 2015
Media magazine 40
- The two texts the article focuses on are Pan Am which is a drama on ABC set in the sixties and Beyonce who is a music artist.
- Examples of the male gaze: Beyonces music video where she winks at the audience in her 'sexy outfits' showing she is objectified and states she is welcoming the male gaze. In another music video she acts seductive allowing her to be objectified.
- Texts such as Beyonce does suggest there is a need for feminism as the male gaze enforces that males should not look down on women as just sex objects even though they do according to her music videos. Pan Am suggests sexism as the example of the air stewardess on the magazine cover is presented in a certain way which is enjoyed by men as there are also male stewards.
- Patriarchy: An ideology that places men in a dominant position over women.
Third wave feminism: movement that redefined and encouraged women to be dominant and sexually assertive.
Nostalgia: A sentimental longing for the past, often only remembering the positives of the time.
- The founder of this campaign was Lucy Anne Holmes because she was sad that the most prominent photo of a women in a British newspaper is just 'in her pants'.
- It’s 2014! Page 3 was first introduced in the sexist 1970s. A lot has changed over the last 30+ years in our society, we think it’s time The Sun caught up…
- It’s soft porn in the UK’s no.1 selling family newspaper that children are exposed to. Until 2003 the models were only 16 (and made to dress up in school ties and hats – seriously!) It’s never been OK. One day we’ll look back on this and think “oh my goodness, we did what?!”
- What does it teach children? They see page after page of pictures of men in clothes doing stuff (running the country, having opinions, achieving in sport!) and what are the women doing in this society they’re learning about? Not much really, other than standing topless in their pants showing their bare breasts for men. It’s not really fair, is it?
- Women say, do and think so many interesting and incredible things and should be celebrated for their many achievements. They are people, not things! Not ‘that’. The fact that we hear ‘look at the tits on that’ or ‘I’d do that’ is disgusting, disrespectful and objectifying. Page 3 of The Sun is the icon that perpetuates and normalises this horrible sexist ‘banter’.
- Every single weekday for the last 44 years in The Sun newspaper the largest female image has been of a young woman (usually of a very particular age, race, physicality) showing her breasts for men, sending out a powerful message that whatever else a woman achieves, her primary role is to serve men sexually. Pretty rubbish that really.
- The Sun newspaper could be so much stronger without Page 3. Because currently, any story they run about women’s issues such as rape, sexual abuse, harassment, domestic violence or the dangers of online porn is drowned out and contradicted by the neon flashing sign of Page 3 that says ‘shut up, girls, and get your tits out.
4. This campaign can be linked to the post feminism idea as the future of feminism can be seen as over now because women are deciding to show themselves how they please now and example being a page 3 model. Whereas feminism is more of rights of the women and equality.
5. I am in favour of the campaign because page 3 degrades women and they are seen as sex objects by the consumers, which in turn sort of corrupts their minds.
6. I believe there is still a need for feminism because women are still not regarded as highly as men, this is shown through politics and the media as there is always a higher percentage of men doing certain jobs than women.
Sunday, 8 February 2015
NDM Summary
- 12/09/14 Fault in our stars,
- 12/09/14 Petition for Obama
- 12/09/14 Top 100 Youtube Channels
- 15/09/14 YouTube stars and Facebook,
- 15/09/14 Game:Destiny- huge profit,
- 15/09/14 iPhone 6 release
- 22/09/14 Sexism at freshers week,
- 22/09/14 website: Alibaba worth more than Google?
- 26/09/14 Twitter targets film advertising,
- 26/09/14 Problems with iPhone 6
- 06/10/14 Sky ‘saddened’ over death of alleged McCann troll
- 08/10/14 UK viewers ‘spend five hours a week viewing TV, clips and films online’
- 08/10/14 BBC iPlayer catch-up window extended to 30 days
- 08/10/14 Last.fm made loss of £2.1m last year
- 10/10/14 Cassetteboy parodies
- 13/10/14 Can Twitter make money out of breaking news or is it a PR platform?
- 23/10/14 Twitter changes: 20 hits and misses from the social network's history
- 23/10/14 Is UKIP winning on Facebook and Twitter?
- 23/10/14 Facebook pays no UK corporation tax for a second year
- 23/10/14 Media jobs website Gorkana sold to Cision in £200m deal
- 7/11/14 John Lewis christmas advert
- 7/11/14 get over newspapers dying out
- 17/11/14Cost of pay for TV channels
- 17/11/14Facebook introducing 'Facebook for Work'
- 23/11/14 Social media to get a job
- 23/11/14 Print in decline
- 04/12/14 Twitter unveils new system for reporting abuse
- 04/12/14 Google and Facebook dominate digital market
- 04/12/14 Tesco joins retail stampede -social media
- 04/12/14 Cancer research trends
- 05/12/14 More than half of ads are digital
- 05/12/14 Twitters reaction to politics
- 18/12/14 Reading print bids a farewell to print
- 18/12/14 220 Journalists jailed
- 03/01/15 Who’s taking control this year? Google, BBC, Facebook, or even North Korea?
- 03/01/15 From YouTube to Facebook – will video be the one to watch in 2015?
- 03/01/15 The virtues of Vice: how punk magazine was transformed into media giant
- 03/01/15 Arrested over twitter threats
- 12/01/15 Developers made $10bn from iOS apps in 2014
- 16/01/15 Mark Zuckerburg defends Facebook
- 16/01/15 social media doesnt cause stress
- 16/01/15 BBC news online to overhaul website and app
- 18/01/15 BuzzFeed launches its own 'public chat' channel in messaging app Viber
- 18/01/15 Using Facebook at work
- 24/01/15 Social engagement now more important than TV ratings, says Fremantle boss
- 24/01/15 Twitter encourages 'verified' users to stop posting photos from Instagram
- 29/01/15 Seven things we learned from Facebook's latest financial results
- 29/01/15 Bloomberg switches off comments in website redesign
- 08/02/15 Twitters latest financial results
- 08/02/15 Snapchat helps Daily Mail and Vice Media get on message with youngsters
- 20/02/15 Mail online increased browsers online
- 21/02/15 Embrace social media stars, they can work wonders for your brand
- 21/02/15 Spanish politicians try to woo voters over WhatsApp
- 21/02/15 Google to launch YouTube subscription service without ads
- 05/03/15 vice apprenticeship
- 05/03/15 Twitter tries to end online abusers
- 13/03/15 BBC teams up with Google to launch digital revolution for young people
- 13/03/15 Buzzfeed live streams interview with David Cameron
- 22/03/15 Twitter- Jeremy Clarkson petition
- 22/03/15 Mail online and Guardian only UK titles to increase audience
Snapchat helps Daily Mail and Vice Media get on message with youngsters

This article is about how other media organisations have linked up with snapchat and created a new discover page.
Snapchat helps Daily Mail and Vice Media get on message with youngsters
This article is about how other media organisations have linked up with snapchat and created a new discover page.
- Daily Mail, Vice Media and Snapchat, the messaging app once mainly known for sexting, might seem unlikely allies in shaping the future of media distribution. But in the frenetic search for the next big social media platform, it seems media organisations are prepared to accept unlikely bedfellows in the name of necessity.
- Media partners create what Snapchat calls “editions” – bundles of stories that disappear after 24 hours – for the new platform, with Snapchat’s fledgling editorial team also providing content.
- Discover is unusual as one of the first formal alliances between traditional media companies and new-style social media apps such as Line, WhatsApp and Snapchat, which host one-to-one messaging, rather than the one-to-many or many-to-many interactions of Twitter and Facebook. Yet its launch could also be seen as extensions of media organisations’ existing collaborations with these next-generation social media, which include the Oxford Mail launching a WhatsApp news service and the BBC experimenting with news via WhatsApp and WeChat in India, in a search for the “new Facebook” and the associated traffic.
Twitter: what we learned from the social network's latest financial results

This article is about Twitter almost being able to reach 300 million users by March.
Twitter: what we learned from the social network's latest financial results
This article is about Twitter almost being able to reach 300 million users by March.
- The social network’s earnings call with analysts provided more context to its latest numbers, including news of an iOS 8 bug that lost it four million users; Twitter’s further plans for recommendation and curation; and a data-sharing deal with Google.
- Twitter had an average of 288 million monthly active users (MAUs) in the final quarter of 2014. That’s up 20% year-on-year, but was only four million more MAUs than it averaged in the third quarter of 2014.
- The main reason investors were so chuffed with Twitter’s financials was its growth in revenues – up 97% year-on-year to $479m in the fourth quarter
- Twitter now makes $2.37 in ad revenues for every 1,000 timeline views on its service, and mobile is the key. 80% of its active users access Twitter from a mobile device at least some of the time last quarter, and mobile ads accounted for 88% of Twiter’s $432m of advertising revenues.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
- Theorists:
- Pitied- Feeling sorry for
- Exotic-Different in a way
- Humorous- Make us laugh
- Dangerous- Being a threat
Franz Fanon- He was a black psychoanalyst and came up with 4 themes to describe black people.
- Primitivize- Exotic and virile tribal warriors
- Infantilize- portrayal of children e.g charity adverts
- Decivilize- Looking like 'gangsters'
- Essentialize- All categorised into one group/ all look the same
2. Yasmin shows a bit of both sides of being positive and negative towards British Muslims. The positive was that it showed traditional ways of them such as a boy following his religion by praying. The negatives would be when the sign saying 'Paki's go home' was written on the shutter on the street. Therefore this reinforces Edward Said's theory as people see Muslims as being different according to the sign. Also the women seems to be hiding the fact that she prefers the western way by changing her clothes and taking off her religion head piece secretly and driving away to meet another man. This suggests the west is superior to the East as she wants to act more Western than Eastern.
This is another charity advert for water aid which links to Fanons theory- infantilize.
The Ferguson riots links with Fanon's theory as is shows them being 'decivilized' because they are rioting and ruining shops ad streets.
East is East is a movie which shows British muslims acting the way they want, linking with Edward Said's theory of orientalism showing they were different to the rest of the community and showing the west was more superior.
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