Friday, 13 March 2015


BBC teams up with Google to launch digital revolution for young people

The BBC's Tony Hall at the Make It Digital launch

This article is about the BBC joining Google with an initiative to inspire the younger generation. The aim is to educate children as young as 11 years old about coding, one million children will be given a 'micro bit' which is a coding device. 
  • Hall compared the initiative to the BBC Micro, built by Acorn Computers, which was many children’s first experience of computing 30 years ago. 
  • “This is exactly what the BBC is all about – bringing the industry together on an unprecedented scale and making a difference to millions. 
  • The ‘micro bit’ is a small programmable hardware device which will help children learn basic coding and programming. It is still in development and will become available this autumn. 
  • Hall said he hoped the initiative would help solve the UK’s technology skills shortage, with predictions that the country would require 1.4 million “digital professionals” over the next five years. 
In my opinion this is a good idea as it will help these children become further skilled in computing, therefore as they grow older they will have these skills with them and could help prevent a technology skills shortage and jobs would be more available to them.  

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